Singing for the graduates

By Andrew Doran

While each student will have their own way of getting ready for graduation, some will have a little bit more stress before the ceremonies begin. For both the morning and afternoon commencement, there will be two singers at each that will perform and show their talents to their fellow graduates and all the friends and family that are attending.

During the morning session, Catherine Mammana will be singing the national anthem and AJ Herrera will sing CIs alma mater. In the afternoon session, Corina Gonzales will be sing the national anthem and Jalen Moody will sing the alma mater.

In speaking with all four singers, it was very apparent that everyone was excited to be partaking in the ceremonies. Mammana even admitted that she wasn’t going to be nervous singing in front of so many people. “I don’t believe that I will be nervous singing at graduation, but rather elated. It’s an incredible honor and privilege,” said Mammana. Herrera also agreed with that statement. “I don’t feel like I’ll be too nervous. Of course, I’ll have butterflies beforehand, but once I start singing, I feel like I’ll be okay.”

Gonzales, who is graduating with a degree in business, mentioned that she would hope to make people happy with her performance in the afternoon. “I hope to make my family and friends proud when I sing at graduation,” said Gonzales. Moody sang the alma mater last year as well. While he wasn’t as nervous, he is looking forward to singing. “Like last year I would hope to gain some experience and see my friends graduate and hopefully I get the same experience once again,” said Moody.

When asked about what they would remember the most at CI, all four singers mentioned that they would remember the friends that they made as well as all the connections they had to people throughout the university. “Certain faculty who inspired and encouraged me, who have a true passion for their vocation and area of study, and took a special interest in me,” said Mammana. “I will be forever grateful to them.”

With two graduation ceremonies taking place in a few weeks, all the singers will be able to get their nerves out of the way in order to nail their portion of commencement. The morning ceremony starts at 9:00 a.m. and the afternoon ceremony begins at 3:00 p.m. on May 18. Both ceremonies will take place in Central Mall.

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