Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

by Jazzminn Morecraft

Welcome back, Dolphins! 

We here at The CI View hope you enjoyed your winter break. This past semester (and year) has been a trying one for us all, and while we still have a long way to go, I hope this new semester will be easier for everyone. 

The CI View will still be bringing you the most accurate and timely news possible via our weekly email. If you were not receiving our emails this past semester, please email TheCIView@csuci.edu, so that we can make sure you receive them going forward. In addition to the weekly email, we will also be frequently posting on our social media accounts, as well as our website at civiewnews.com.  

As we head into this new semester, please know that The CI View will continue with our weekly member meetings. These meetings will focus on varying types of professional development, ranging from journalism to resumes and cover letters. At this moment in time, our member meeting schedule has not yet been set. If you would like to participate in our meetings, please visit the doodle link, we have on our linktree on our Instagram account (@theciview), to share what meeting options work best for you. Our meeting time will be decided during the first week of school and we will start meeting on the second week of school. 

Lastly, we will be hosting another Reporter Week, however, this time our alumni will be joining us. This event will take place the week of Feb. 15 and will happen via Instagram Live. Come join us and find out how being a part of The CI View can help your present and your future! 

For any questions or thoughts, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, your Editor-in-Chief, at jazzminn.morecraft978@csuci.edu. I hope you have a great semester, Dolphins! 



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