Graphic by Elise Bechtel
By Breannah Ortiz
Happy Sagittarius season, Dolphins! Sagittarius is a fire sign which is ruled by Jupiter. They are known to be honest, open-minded and independent, the kind of people who are very spontaneous and are quite literally down for anything. With that, Sagittarius season will affect each sign differently. All the information here is taken from Horoscope Today on Spotify and
Aries: This season, Aries, you are meant to focus on inner growth and personal development. It is time to focus on stepping out of your comfort zone and enhancing your skills. You are also encouraged to be more social this season. Get yourself out there and meet new people! There is an emphasis on physical activity as well, like going to the gym or doing yoga. Set intentions for yourself and manifest what you want to achieve for the rest of the year and what you want to see for yourself next year.
Taurus: This season, Taurus, you are encouraged to travel! Go on an adventure and get yourself out there. Go see what the world has to offer for you. You may also feel more creative this season. Put that inspiration and creativity you are feeling into something you love or into a passion project. With all that being said, make sure you focus on your goals as well this season. Do not lose sight of your goals. Be adventurous while also staying determined.
Gemini: This season, Gemini, you may be feeling inspired while also feeling impulsive. If that is the case, be mindful of what you may be feeling impulsive about. Truly consider what you want and how this will benefit you in the long run. If you feel inspired, put that passion into action. Whether it be through a creative outlet or something for your career. Let the inspiration flow. That time and energy put into those inspirations could be beneficial to you within the next year. Make good decisions for the rest of the year!
Cancer: This season, Cancer, it will be a tough one. You are encouraged to let go of what no longer serves you and move forward. It may be hard but letting go will lead you to better people and opportunities. You are encouraged to get yourself out there and be more social. Step out of your comfort zone and meet new people. You tend to put others before yourself, but for Sagittarius season you need to focus on yourself and what you want.
Leo: This season Leo, everything you have felt for the last few months, it is time to let it all out. This season is going to be an emotional one for you, but that is okay. You need to let these emotions out so that you can become your fiery, passionate self again. You are also encouraged to let out those emotions through physical activity, like the gym or dancing. Reflect on the last year and see what you want to bring into the new year.
Virgo: This season, Virgo, any unfinished business or projects from last season you may have left behind are encouraged to be completed. Finishing those projects and business matters will be beneficial to you in the long run. Once you get what you need done, you will feel more positive and confident about the rest of the year and what is to come for next year. It will be a fresh step forward into the new year.
Libra: This season, Libra, you are encouraged to participate in self-care and focus on what you love and what is important to you. Whether self-care for you is painting, writing music or something else along those lines, settle yourself down and let the energy flow. Sagittarius season for you will focus on your relationships as well and what you are passionate about. Be creative and free, but do not burn yourself out. Remember you are taking care of yourself this season.
Scorpio: This season, Scorpio, you are encouraged to put that drive and determination you have into your career. By focusing your time and energy into your career, you will be ready for the rest of the year and will have prepared yourself for the upcoming new year. Do not let yourself get too lost into your career and work, remember to take breaks in between. It will all be worth it, just push yourself and keep going, but remember to take breaks here and there.
Sagittarius: This season, Sagittarius, it is your time to shine. This is your season so you should be full of happiness and confidence. Whether it be good or bad, you are encouraged to reflect on the last year. It is time to let go of your past self and make room for the new you. You have grown a lot in the last year, and it is time to bring that growth into the new year. Release what no longer serves you.
Capricorn: This season, Capricorn, you are encouraged to focus on personal growth and figure out who you want to be for the next year. This year was tough, and there were many ups and downs, but you should always be grateful for it. Everything you went through brought you where you are today. Despite how hard it was, look at you now. Keep moving forward and stay positive. You have grown a lot and that is something to acknowledge. You will be ready for next year.
Aquarius: This season, Aquarius, you are encouraged to be creative and put your mind to projects or something you may be passionate about. You may have been thinking about starting or continuing to work on something; now is the time to focus on that project. Whether it be independent projects or with a group of people, dedicate time and energy into something that you love. Bring that energy and passion you have into the new year.
Pisces: This season, Pisces, you are encouraged to educate yourself on different aspects of life and take a philosophical approach to life and what it means. If you have been thinking about taking a course to gain more knowledge on a certain topic or read books about this topic, now is the time. This time of knowledge will help you learn new things not only about the world, but about yourself as well. The information you gain will benefit you for the upcoming year.