Snuggle up with cozy fall recipes

Snuggle up with cozy fall recipes

By Breannah Ortiz

When you think of autumn, what comes to mind? Maybe you get excited because it is time to bring out your favorite sweaters and coats. You might also think about seasonal foods. Personally, I always think of warm dinners and a pumpkin-centered dessert. To get into the autumn season, here are some fall recipe ideas!  

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds 

A quick recipe idea is roasted pumpkin seeds. I love pumpkin seeds, and they are easy to whip up. All you need is a pumpkin and your preferred cooking oil or butter. I recommend avocado oil. First, carve your pumpkin and clean the seeds by rinsing them in a bowl and removing the pulp. Once the seeds are completely clean, place them in a bowl with the oil or butter and let them sit for about 10 minutes. Next, place the seeds onto a foil-lined baking sheet and bake at 300 F for about 45 minutes. I suggest adding some salt and pepper when you take the seeds out as a final step. If you are using an air fryer, make sure that the seeds are seasoned and dry before putting them into the air fryer. Set the fryer at 350 F and bake for 10 to 15 minutes. This is a fast and tasty snack, perfect for munching on while you work on some homework or watch a movie. 

Loaded Potatoes 

One of my favorite foods of all time is potatoes, because they are so versatile. You can make fries, a baked potato or a loaded potato. Lately, I have been obsessed with loaded potatoes, which are a simple yet filling dish. First, preheat your oven to 450 F. Then you will need two to four potatoes cut into cubes. Once they are cut up, add them into a bowl. The bowl should contain about three tablespoons of cooking oil, some salt and pepper and crushed garlic. I use six cloves, but you can use as much or as little as you like. Coat the potatoes with the mixture, and then place your cubes onto a cooking sheet with some foil and let them bake for 25 to 30 minutes. When they are done, add any kind of toppings you like. I personally love green onion and parsley. 

Pumpkin Muffins 

Last but not least, you cannot forget dessert! This delicious recipe for pumpkin muffins comes from a friend of mine, Jackie Hernandez, who has recently entered the baking world. There are quite a few ingredients involved in this recipe, but it is totally worth it. You will need: 

  • 1 ½ cup flour 
  • 1 ¼ cup sugar 
  • 1 ¼ cup canned pumpkin 
  • ½ cup vegetable oil 
  • ¼ cup water 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon 
  • 1 tablespoon nutmeg 
  • ½ tablespoon ginger 
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder 
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 1 cup chocolate chips 

First, preheat your oven to 350 F and grab a muffin pan. Add some liners into the pan. Next, add all of your ingredients except the chocolate chips into a mixing bowl. Stir and mix the ingredients together. Once fully mixed, gradually add the chocolate chips into the mix. Add the mix into the lined baking pan and let them bake for about 20 minutes. Insert a toothpick into the center of a muffin after baking. If the toothpick comes out clean, the muffins are done. If the toothpick has muffin mix on it, continue to bake the muffins until the toothpick comes out clean. Let them cool for five to seven minutes and enjoy! 

I have found these recipes to be quick, easy and festive, especially for a college student. It gives me just enough time to prepare my food, eat and then get back to work. It also feels rewarding to take a step away from schoolwork and do something good for yourself, and cooking is a great way to do that. Get in the fall spirit with some delicious seasonal treats! 

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