Take me to your reader

Take me to your reader

By Branden Hopper

Welcome back dolphins! We hope you had an excellent summer and are ready for an exciting fall semester. A lot of great things are happening this year and there’s never been a better time to get involved on campus. As the warm weather fades and you settle into your schedules, we encourage you to find ways to participate in campus life—we promise you won’t be disappointed.

Our team has worked hard over the summer finding ways to better serve the student body and we’re very excited to start doing that with this welcome back issue. In it you’ll find information about our new staff members, new clubs on campus, events and more. As always, our goal is to provide the CI, local and national news that matters most to you while also highlighting special events and extraordinary students and faculty members. We hope that you enjoy reading this issue as much as we did making it.

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