CI’s switch from blackboard to canvas

CI’s switch from blackboard to canvas
by Yolanda Barragan

Beginning the fall semester of 2017, CI will begin using Canvas in place of Blackboard. CI plans to make the complete transition to Canvas by the spring semester in 2018. The decision was made last year, in 2016. Three Learning Management Systems were part of a CSU system-wide event and members of the Teaching and Learning team at CI took part in the evaluation. They believe that Canvas will be a good fit for CI.

Faculty and staff will be able to access course materials from Blackboard up until February 2018, but Blackboard will no longer be available for teaching purposes at the start of the new spring semester. New faculty will be set up with Canvas while existing faculty will have the option to continue using Blackboard throughout the rest of the fall semester and then later make the transition in spring.

Students are able to access Canvas through CI Learn and should be aware of what program their instructors have decided to use for this fall semester. Both Blackboard and Canvas are still available upon clicking on either desired icon. Classes are located under the courses icon and starring them will place them on your dashboard. Students are able to view future assignments in the Coming Up section, contact instructors and other students through the Inbox and Help icon and view their grades. A Canvas app is available for download and more information is available at

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