Learn self-defense with R.A.D.

Learn self-defense with R.A.D.
by Ivey Mellem

Have you ever wanted to learn self-defense, but never had the time or never knew where to start? Well, look no further than CI’s Rape Aggression Defense Systems (R.A.D.) class. This class is taught every semester by CI’s Police Department to female students, staff and faculty.

It may sound daunting, or even unnecessary, but these self-defense techniques give you a major advantage in case you ever find yourself in a scary situation.

R.A.D. is a national program with the mission to “provide educational opportunities for women, children, men and seniors to create a safer future for themselves” in the form of self-defense and prevention, according to their website.

CI’s R.A.D. class consists of four sessions that are three hours each. Participants will learn about awareness and prevention of rape and other aggressive assaults, both through forms of self-defense moves and ways to be aware of and avoid situations that could put them in danger.

At the end of the class, upon attending all four sessions, participants will finish with a simulation and will be awarded a stamp and/or signature to signify their completion of the class.

The best part? With this completion, you can take any R.A.D. class anywhere across the country for free — this is their Lifetime Return and Practice Policy. You can take the entire class again as a refresher, or just the last class for the simulation.

When I walked into the first session, I wasn’t sure what to expect since I’d never taken a self-defense class before. But when I left, I was surprised at how confident I felt in case I ever had to defend myself against an attacker.

The environment is open and welcoming, as you come together with your classmates for warm-ups that then lead into group activities. Getting to know your fellow classmates also helps create a sense of community, allowing everyone to come together for support.

The instructors, who are members of CI’s police force, are friendly and understanding. They’re there to help you if you ever have questions or struggle with the class, and will ensure you leave armed with the knowledge and know-how of self-defense.

For CI’s R.A.D. class, participants can sign up before the day of the first session. You will have to write down your name and information, leave a $20 deposit and sign a few waivers, but if you complete all four sessions you will get your money back.

While CI’s R.A.D. classes are for females only, there are male R.A.D. programs available. Unfortunately there hasn’t been enough interest at CI for a male class, but the Police Department is willing to bring it back if there is enough interest to put together a full class.

As someone who took the class, I highly recommend it to my fellow students, as well as faculty and staff. It may sound daunting, or even unnecessary, but these self-defense techniques give you a major advantage in case you ever find yourself in a scary situation.

To learn more about R.A.D., visit their website at www.rad-systems.com. For more information about CI’s R.A.D. class, contact the CI Police Department and keep an eye out for emails and advertisements for next semester’s class dates. Stay safe, everyone!

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