Seniors share what they will miss most

Seniors share what they will miss most
by Zachary Boetto

For most undergrad students, summer means three months of vacation or a part-time job before they get back to school in the fall. But for seniors at CI, summer is an important transition period where they’re faced with the decision to go to grad school or get a career in the “real world.”

Before they take off into the “real world,” The CI View asked seniors what they would miss about their time as a CI dolphin.

“The thing I’m going to miss the most is some of the faculty and friends,” said Brianna Guido, an organizational communication major. “I’m going to miss Ms. Lisa Barry, aka my mom; I’m going to miss Lisa on another level.”

Faculty seemed to be a popular subject that CI students are going to have to bid farewell to.

“I’m going to miss the small campus and being able to build connections with professors and faculty on campus,” said Lurde Vasquez, a sociology major. “I’ll miss having that support right away in my academics or just having conversations with them.”

Although most seniors have made personal connections to professors and students around campus, other seniors focused on the resources and experiences they made along the way.

“What I’ll miss most is the resources that the art department provides for the students,” said Kaylie Duffield, an art major.

“I think something I’m going to miss most about CI is the experience overall,” said Lisa Mireles, an organizational communication major. “I’ve noticed growth in everything around me, myself, my friends and even some faculty members.”

It was also clear that there is something that seniors won’t miss… Parking.

“There’s some problems with parking, faculty and some students but I’m definitely going to miss some of the cool professors and some of the friends I’ve made,” said Adrian Tejeda, a communication major.

Whether their school career is coming to an end or they are making their way to grad school, these seniors will always be CI alumni and dolphins for life.

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