Getting to know the new President and Vice President of Student Government

Getting to know the new President and Vice President of Student Government
by Jazzminn Morecraft

On April 18, the 2018-2019 Associated Students Incorporated and Student Government Elections were closed at 5 p.m. With the close of the elections, the Student Government President and Vice President for the upcoming 2018-2019 year were chosen. Receiving 228 out of the 250 votes casted — or 91 percent of the votes — Atticus Reyes and Raul Perez were elected as the upcoming President and Vice President of Student Government.

The CI View had a chance to interview these new leaders. This is what they said.

Q: What is your major and why did you choose it?
Reyes: I chose history as a major because I believe for us to understand where we are going, we must first understand where we have been, and what we have done before. Faulkner said it best; “the past is not dead, in fact, it is not even past.”
Perez: My major is Environmental Science and Resource Management and the story of why I chose this major is actually a long one … I could go on and on as to why I picked my major, but the ultimate reason is I fell in love. I fell in love with the subject, I liked the idea that in studying this subject I can make a difference in this world, yes going into the field I knew it wouldn’t be easy but it could be done nevertheless, and that was good enough for me.

Q: What year are you?
R: Third Year.
P: I am currently a 3rd year.

Q: What are your hobbies?
R: Basketball, football, swimming, and playing piano.
P: My hobbies include but are not limited to spending time with my girlfriend, going to Disneyland, playing or watching baseball (Go Dodgers!), running, and spending time outdoors being active.

Q: How will this position help you grow or learn as a student?
R: I believe this position will help me learn how to work effectively with people with different backgrounds and experiences.
P: This position will not only advance my time management skills, but it will also develop my understanding of the issues students face on a daily basis. This position will also aid me in becoming a better support system for the students, and further promote my ability to represent students in a nonpartisan way.

Q: What are your future career plans after graduation?
R: I plan on attending graduate school to research Los Angeles labor history.
P: After graduating from CI I intend to enroll in graduate school, where I can hopefully get accepted to Stanford, Berkeley, or UCLA. With that master’s degree, I hope to be able to further my career in the environmental field and ultimately obtain my dream job.

New Student Government Vice President Raul Perez poses for a photo. Photo credit to Kristina Hamilton.
New Student Government Vice President Raul Perez poses for a photo. Photo credit to Kristina Hamilton.

Q: What is your dream job?
R: Elected government official.
P: I am actually between “Dream Jobs” right now, coming into CI I wanted to become an environmental lawyer, however as the years progressed I am now considering changing my career path to becoming a city planner.

Q: How will this position help you obtain your dream job?
R: (By) teaching me how to achieve realistic policy goals through collaboration and compromise.
P: In not fully knowing where life will take me and which career path I will wind up taking, I know for a fact I want to work in local government.

Q: If you wanted students to know one thing about you, what would it be?
R: Even though I may have a strong voice, my primary goal is to strengthen other students’ voices to ultimately enable them to speak on their own behalf about their own experiences.
P: If there is one thing I could have the students of CI take away with them is that I am truly here for them. I am a person who believes in fighting for what’s right, not only for the majority but also for the minority as well. I want the students of CI to know that there is no voice that is too small, if a student has a concern I want to hear it and I want to be there for you all. If any student ever needs to talk, has any issue, or even wants a friend please don’t hesitate to reach out, I will personally be there for you all whenever you need me no matter the time or the day.

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