Program advocates for sexual assault survivors

Program advocates for sexual assault survivors


Peer Advocate Supporting Survivors (PASS) has helped CI create a safe and welcoming atmosphere. This organization offers resources to those who are survivors of sexual assault. PASS, located in Yuba Hall, provides confidentiality to students who need to speak out and share their experiences and also teaches students about consent.

The current goals of PASS are to engage students, grow their club and involve more males in the club, according to Melanie Simms, a campus advocate. Males are also vulnerable to sexual assault on campus and provide important perspectives as well.

Engaging students in the conversation seems to be the challenge for PASS at the moment, but events are being planned to raise awareness. Melanie believes that the more we know about PASS, the more effective the organization can be in helping students.

The members of PASS are trained in reaching out to their peers to help them get the resources they need. Their training consists of understanding the root causes of sexual assault, learning the different forms of sexual assault and reaching out to survivors. Members go through an extensive weekend training progarm and also get training through their meetings.

Although PASS is fairly new to campus they have already had various events and collaborations. These events help them reach out and make their presence known on campus. PASS is critical to our campus culture because they are leading the discussion on sexual assault.

Melanie believes that when someone is sexually assaulted they lose their power. PASS was designed to give that power back to the survivor and help them at their most vulnerable moments.

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