Beginner’s guide to living in the dorms from Orientation 2018

Beginner’s guide to living in the dorms from Orientation 2018

By Alex Guerra

Let’s face it, the high school life had one perk: you got your own place. A house to come back to, a room with a bed, TV and Xbox, a room you could call your own (unless you were sharing it with siblings). It was great!

Once you move into the dorms, though, it could be a hassle. It can be difficult moving from your old room to this new one, especially if you are so used to it. Sure, you could always spice up the room just like the one back home: set up your gaming system, your laptop and several posters. It’ll eventually feel like you’re back at home … well, except for a few differences.

Still, dorm life is something that takes some getting used to. So, if you’re a freshman or transfer student looking to live in the dorms, read on! Here’s everything to know about living in the dorms, what it’s like and some tips on how to survive the transition from home life to dorm life.

First thing you should be aware of is that you will be paired with a roommate, whether you know that person or not. During the housing application process you’ll have to input the name of the person you want as your roommate, but even then you aren’t necessarily guaranteed that specific person.

If you opt not to do this, then you can be randomly placed with any roommate, that is, according to the roommate profile you make. This is where you can be more specific with what you want. Your studying habits, when you fall asleep and wake up, do you like things quiet or noisy, as well as anything else people should know about you.

So the roommate selection process is not entirely random, but you can still be placed with some random stranger who’s the complete opposite of you. Sometimes the roommate you are paired with may not be as cheery, sporty or as positive as you are. This leads to the next part of how to live in the dorms.

In the event you are paired with a roommate who’s the complete opposite of you, sometimes it’s best to keep it cool. In other words, just be friendly. You don’t necessarily have to be BFFs with your roommate.

Although, if you do become BFFs, that’s great! It worked out perfectly. But if you don’t, just be yourself and be courteous. Be friendly, show respect and you’ll get along fine.

A final thing that should be mentioned to make the transition to dorm life better is to bring anything that can really spice up your room. From posters to a TV, you can really make the dorm more home like.

Also, be sure to really get involved with activities on campus. You may find yourself in the dorm a lot, whether you’re doing homework or studying, sitting alone or with your roommate. So, get out! Go to the block parties! Part of what makes living on campus fun is that you can really get everything great out of a college experience.

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