Find balance this Libra season: discover what the stars have in store for you.

Find balance this Libra season: discover what the stars have in store for you.

Graphic by Elise Bechtel

By: Breannah Ortiz

Happy Libra season, Dolphins! Libra is an air sign ruled by Venus and the seventh sign of the zodiacs. Libras are extroverted and friendly. Represented as the scale, Libras are known to be the most balanced of the zodiacs and will try their best to maintain that balance within themselves and others. Libra season affects each sign differently, but I think we can all agree that balance is nice. All the information is taken from Horoscope Today on Spotify and

Aries sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Aries: Happy Libra season, Aries! This Libra season, you are encouraged to focus on your relationships. With Mercury in retrograde, romance is going to play a huge role for you. There may be some miscommunication with the people around you and some words may get lost in translation along the way, so be sure you are communicating efficiently. While you were focusing on fitness and health during Virgo season, you were preparing yourself for the retrograde. This retrograde ends October 2, so keep going! Find that balance between yourself and others.

Taurus Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Taurus: Happy Libra season, Taurus! After this last Virgo season, you may feel tired and even frustrated at some aspects of your life. Do not fret! Just try and focus on yourself and your well-being this Libra season. The Mercury retrograde ends October 2, just a little longer. Make sure if something no longer serves you, it may be time to let that thing go in your life. Libra season is all about balance, try to find that balance within yourself and the people around you. If frustrations or stress get the best of you, just remember to breathe. You got this.

Gemini Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Gemini: Happy Libra season, Gemini! During Virgo season, you were encouraged to kind of be a homebody. Keep that energy going during this Libra season. You are meant to focus not only on the physical aspect of your home, but on the home within yourself. Similar to Aries, some miscommunication might come up with friends or family, but do not let that interfere with you and your home. Mercury retrograde ends October 2, keep pushing!

Cancer Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Cancer: Happy Libra season, Cancer! I hope you put yourself out there during Virgo season, met some new people and made some new friends. During this Libra season, it is time to put your communication skills to the test and make something happen. A lot of miscommunications can occur during this retrograde. So, make sure that whatever you are trying to say gets across clearly. It is Libra season, which represents the scale. Look for that balance. Mercury in retrograde ends October 2, but do not let this stop you from making connections.

Leo Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Leo: Happy Libra season, Leo! This Libra season, you are encouraged to make some money moves. During Virgo season you also focused on money moves and management, so continue that momentum into Libra season. You may have made some plans with finances during Virgo season, now it is time to follow through with those plans and put them into action. Mercury is in retrograde, but it comes to a close on October 2. During this time, make sure you spend wisely and don’t flush your earnings. Make wise decisions. You got this!

Virgo Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Virgo: Happy Libra season, Virgo! During Virgo season, you may have focused on your financial matters and money, but now it is time to focus on yourself. Mercury is still in retrograde, which ends on October 2. During this time, you are encouraged to do some self-reflecting and think about what serves you and what no longer serves you. What items do you need to let go of for you to be your authentic self? Make sure to not take things personally, everything happens for a reason.

Libra Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Libra: Happy birthday Libra! During your season, you are encouraged to become the center of attention and step into the spotlight. You are going to be getting a lot of attention this season in your work life, personal life and relationships. In addition to this, you are encouraged to focus on your dreams and what kind of messages are being shared within them. If you have not yet, it is recommended to start a dream journal. Dreams are weird, but they usually have some meaning to them.

Scorpio Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Scorpio: Happy Libra season, Scorpio! It appears Virgo season has kept you extremely busy. That momentum is going to continue into Libra season. However, as you continue to push through you may have to go through some obstacles. Remember that we are still in a retrograde until October 2. Do not let those obstacles get in the way of your passions and dedication. Even though you will be working and grinding this Libra season, do not forget to find that balance between work and personal life.

Sagittarius Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Sagittarius: Happy Libra season, Sagittarius! This season, you are encouraged to focus on your career and professional life. We are still in a retrograde until October 2, so during this time there may be some trouble along the way. This is the time to focus on what your career needs and what you can add to your professional life. Once you find that balance, you will be unstoppable. Just do not let the retrograde get the better of you. It will work out.

Capricorn Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Capricorn: Happy Libra season, Capricorn! During Virgo season, you may have developed some workaholic tendencies and may have had moments where you overworked yourself. Try not to burn yourself out this season. Balance is important. With Mercury in retrograde still going on until October 2, you may be asking yourself some existential questions. During this time, reflect on what matters most to you and what you can do to move forward. Regardless of the outcome, you are growing.

Aquarius Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Aquarius: Happy Libra season, Aquarius! This season, it is encouraged to focus on your relationships and social interactions. During this season and retrograde, you may overthink some aspects of your relationships and wonder what is beneficial to you and what is not. Mercury retrograde is not meant to be scary, but with both the retrograde and Libra season, you may find yourself feeling enlightened. Communicate your needs and wants to the people around you and your relationships.

Pisces Sign
Graphic by Elise Bechtel

Pisces: Happy Libra season, Pisces! During this Libra season, you are finding that balance with your relationships. Whether it be platonic or romantic relationships, you are encouraged to focus on the beauty of each relationship and what it means to you. However, you are also encouraged to focus on beauty within yourself. Libra season is all about self-love. This retrograde may have you questioning things about yourself and how you perceive yourself. Do not let the retrograde get in the way of how you feel about yourself. You are meant to love every part of yourself.

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