Shifting gears with Scorpio season

Shifting gears with Scorpio season

Graphic by Elise Bechtel

By Breannah Ortiz

Happy Scorpio season, Dolphins! Scorpio is a water sign ruled by both Pluto and Mars. Scorpios are known to be mysterious, stoic and true to themselves. Regardless of who you may be, Scorpios are passionate about their beliefs and what they stand for. Once you get to know them, they are one of the most loyal people you will ever meet. With a partial solar eclipse on October 25, this Scorpio season will be an interesting one. This season will be different for each sign. All of the information is taken from Horoscope Today on Spotify and

Aries sign
By Elise Bechtel

Aries: Happy Scorpio season! For Aries, it is time to heal. There will be an energy shift this season. With this shift, it is time to take a look inside yourself and heal any inner wounds you may have received over the months. Relationships are important, but you are encouraged to take time for yourself and be independent for a little while. With the eclipse, set some intentions for transforming yourself and your life. Heal and move on.

Taurus Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Taurus: Happy Scorpio season! For Taurus, it is time to go out and be social! During Libra season, you may have isolated yourself and taken time for yourself to bring balance into your life. Now that Libra season is over, it is time to put yourself out there and be more sociable. With this and the eclipse, you are going to feel more confident than ever. Whether it be for work, relationships or dating, you are encouraged to go out and have fun!

Gemini Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Gemini: Happy Scorpio season! For Gemini, you have created balance and structure for yourself these last two seasons. Now, it is time to take what you have learned and apply it to your work life and career. You are encouraged to grind this season and transform yourself and your career. What traits do you want to adopt and what traits do you want to forget? With the eclipse, change your routine around and see what is beneficial for you.

Cancer Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Cancer: Happy Scorpio season! For Cancer, it is time to reflect. Being a water sign, you have a lot of emotions. This season you will be reflecting on everything that has happened these last few months and paying attention to how much you have grown. You may be feeling more spiritual this season. With this and the eclipse, put that energy into transforming yourself and your habits. Release what no longer serves you.

Leo Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Leo: Happy Scorpio season! For Leo, while you focused on finances these last two seasons, you are now encouraged to take a look at your past. With the eclipse, you may find yourself feeling more emotional and in tune with yourself. Use that energy to reflect on earlier events and experiences, and heal any past wounds you may have. Make sure you are gentle with yourself. It may be hard, but you will be okay. Take this time to practice self-care and become in touch with your feelings.

Virgo Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Virgo: Happy Scorpio season! For Virgo, you have been working hard these last few seasons. All that hard work has paid off. You have identified your self-worth and know what you want in both your career and personal life. With the eclipse, you will be entering a new chapter in your life. You will be feeling more sociable and confident this next season. You are feeling lucky this season — set some intentions for yourself.

Libra Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Libra: Happy Scorpio season! For Libra, there will be an energy shift this season. You are encouraged to reflect on yourself and your self-worth. It is time to listen to your heart and see what it wants. Try to avoid any negative energy or self-talk this season. You are meant to transform. Your emotions will be heightened during the eclipse but use that energy to transform yourself and celebrate yourself.

By Elise Bechtel

Scorpio: Happy Scorpio season! For Scorpio, it is your time to shine. You are encouraged to heal and transform your relationships with both friends and family. During the beginning of this season, things may seem overwhelming and scary, but this will not last long. It is scary to let go, but sometimes it is necessary. With the eclipse, set intentions to reset different areas of your life. You must close a chapter of your life so that you can open a new one.

Sagittarius Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Sagittarius: Happy Scorpio season! For Sagittarius, it is time to get spiritual. It will be an emotional rollercoaster for you this season, but do not let that discourage you from focusing on your physical and spiritual self. Let out any emotions you have. With the eclipse, you are encouraged to let go of what no longer serves you. It will be hard, but surrender yourself to transforming yourself and your life. It will be worth it in the end.

Capricorn Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Capricorn: Happy Scorpio season! For Capricorn, while you took time to reflect during Libra season, you are encouraged to be more sociable and get yourself out there. Take the time to meet new people and rekindle old friendships. Get yourself out there and be sociable and confident! With the eclipse, you may feel more creative. Put your creativity into action and create something you are proud of. Be your most authentic self this season.

Aquarius Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Aquarius: Happy Scorpio season! For Aquarius, you are encouraged to focus on your work life and career. This season is about transformation, and you are meant to transform in those two areas of your life. There will be an energy shift that will provide a burning passion to set intentions and change how you work in both your personal and professional life. With the eclipse, set intentions on what kind of career you want and how that will benefit you.

Pisces Sign
By Elise Bechtel

Pisces: Happy Scorpio season! For Pisces, it is time for personal growth and to let go of what no longer serves you. It is hard to release, but for good things to come, you must release old habits. It is time to let go of these old habits and traits. With the eclipse, let go of the old energy that no longer serves you and allow new and abundant energy to come in. Set intentions on what kind of energy you want this next season.

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