Different types of mental illnesses

Different types of mental illnesses

by Courtney Doucette

Mental health is a discussion that has been heavily acknowledged in recent years. It’s easier to figure out a problem that is physically apparent because it is visible, whereas mental health is under the surface and more difficult to see. Regardless, mental stability is just as important as physical stability; in fact, some may argue that it’s more important. Along with many physical disorders, there are different types of mental illnesses. According to healthline.com there are ways individuals can recognize mental illnesses.


An eating disorder might be one way that someone can be affected by mental illness. This ranges from either consuming too much food or not enough food. Eating disorders can develop in early childhood or adulthood for differing reasons, which may include being teased for physical appearance or abuse that is either physical or verbal. Symptoms of eating disorders can involve extreme emotions and behaviors surrounding food and body image issues. Although each type of food disorder can be treatable with positive outcomes, it does entail a long process which can include therapy.


Another condition of mental illness that everyone should know about is anxiety. Anxiety is an intense worry or fear about daily activities that has become excessive. Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress, but these feelings are extreme and often interfere with one’s life. If left untreated, the short spurts of anxiety can turn into a bigger problem for the individual.

Some anxiety is normal, as in starting a new job or speaking in front of a large crowd, and these normal anxious feelings are felt by almost everyone. In some cases, this can create motivation for one to get something done, like cleaning the house or completing homework. In cases of high or extreme anxiety, this may cause someone to stop doing normal day-to-day things, like crossing the street or walking up a flight of stairs.

There are a few ways in which people are able to treat anxiety. These can include lifestyle changes, like a new diet or using meditation. Natural remedies also include avoiding caffeine and alcohol, sleeping regularly and staying active. If the anxiety has reached a higher level, then either psychotherapy or medication can be used to help the individual.


Depression is yet another form of mental illness and is likely one that a majority of people have heard of. Many people have experienced some level of depression, and many of which, battle it secretly, not getting the professional help they might need. Any type of depression will leave a person feeling hopeless, lacking energy and experiencing a change in appetite, as well as, possibly having feelings of physical aches or pains. Talking about depression in the early stages is better than letting it escalate to the point where you might not want to get out of bed. Treatments are similar to those of anxiety, and include seeking help from counselors, psychologists or any other type of support system.

These mental illnesses are always a cause for concern because no one should go through the battle alone. So many resources are available for people and even just telling a trustworthy adult will be helpful. Here at CI there are plenty of resources available for people seeking help. You are never alone and one option is CAPS, located in Bell Tower, Room 1867.

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