by Oliver Nguyen
Attention all transfers, there’s a new club on campus just for you! Transfers Make an Impact (TMI) is in its first semester of being an official club at CI, and it’s off to a strong start. They recently hosted the Mad Tea Party with Rabbit Hole Foods, an organic vegan food company, in the patio courtyard by the Student Union. I sat down to talk with the leadership team at TMI about the upcoming events they have planned and what the club is all about.
“We want people to be aware of all the resources on campus,” says Nitzan Navick, the club’s president.
Transfers Make an Impact is a club based primarily around creating a stronger student community at CI and especially integrating transfer and commuter students into that community. “There is a huge divide between transfer students and freshmen, or people that live here [on campus],” says Mia Lopez, TMI’s Administrator. “[Our goal] is really to integrate students to know that you’re not alone. Making friends instead of just coming to campus and leaving, there’s more to offer.”
TMI isn’t your typical club. It is largely informal, and to join all you need to do is connect with the club on CI Sync. Attending meetings isn’t mandatory, because most people already have busy enough schedules.
TMI is a place for all students to get together and connect. “Basically we’re here for you,” explains Dominique Spence, TMI’s Event Coordinator. “If you have a question, if you want to tell us about your week, that’s what TMI is all about.”
To connect with as many students as possible, TMI hosts monthly socials, holds meeting times to come chat and is planning large-scale events each month. Besides working on events TMI also keeps students informed about any other noteworthy happenings on campus, as well as the many opportunities available to them at CI, through their social media accounts.
“We want people to be aware of all the resources on campus,” says Nitzan Navick, the club’s president. “We have such a small student population and you’re paying so much money to be here, you should be getting your money’s worth.”
To connect with Transfers Make an Impact and stay up to date with their upcoming events, follow them on Facebook, Instagram or join them on CI Sync. The club has its next meeting on the John Spoor Broome Library Roof Terrace at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 10. All students are welcome.
Facebook: @TransfersMakeAnImpact
Instagram: @tmi_csuci
CI Sync: Transfers Make an Impact